Monday, February 25, 2013

Here comes the snow again, falling from the sky......

Snow! Time to get those boots out again!

Well it has been snowing a good amount here in the Midwest. I expected more snow with all the hype about a winter storm, but it was enough to get that feel for winter once again. I had to look for my pair of Doc Martens to walk around in the snow. Off topic but Docs are really comfortable and some are actually made in the U.K. recommend them! Well anyways people are always surprised when I express my joy for snow. Coming from California I feel snow is an amazing and fun time! Sledding! Snow is a symbol of peace and tranquility, falling slowly like feathers from the sky. The time when one can go to the local coffee shop buy a warm drink and catch up on a tv series. If ANYONE out there has some good ideas let me know your thoughts and leave a comment! Share, comment, whatever floats your boat. Sledding!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the snow while it lasts.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Believing yourself.

Believe in yourself.

Okay. So I haven't posted in awhile and I wanted to start my blog by talking about things people may ask themselves in the everyday life. Why am I here? What do I do? Are you every having the blues or just feel so sorry for yourself? Well STOP IT! Think positive. I bet your thinking "That's easy for you to say" Well no! I believe everyone has a purpose in life and if your ever feeling like your life is coming to an end well think again. Someone out there probably has it 100 times worse than you do. I say forget the nonsense! GO FOR WHAT YOU WANT! NOBODY IS STOPPING YOU! "Well I really wanted to do this, but?" No! Do what you want to do! It could be you want a better job, better social life, or simply a talent you haven't even discovered. Hmmm. Why not go for it? Improve by setting goals and not giving up! Reach your MAX limit! Have you reached that point? Have you ever thought of the one person stopping you? Look in the mirror. Seriously this is always the issue with me though. I always say to myself I am going to do something, but never do just because I am standing in the way of my own dreams. Reach out people! Discover what your all about. Take any good opportunities life hands you! Don't be afraid.Don't get washed up by society! Think freely and find what your really all about. Consider making a dream board. A board filled with cool things you have always wanted to accomplish and see it every morning on a board before starting another day in which you can breathe and say "I'm alive and fully healthy".
Gateway to a new beginning.
(Me under the Gateway Arch)