Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lets get started!

Something New.......

Hello to the world! I am very excited to start this new blog and share with the world a bit of my life! Well here is a bit about me! My name is Sarvelio Hernandez (Ya I know my name is freaking weird and Im not to sure where it came from but whatever) everybody calls me Anthony! I was born and raised in Los Angeles,CA, but later moved about 2 hours north to a city called Bakersfield. I go to college in good old Iowa! What?! Why Iowa you may ask? Well one day I decided to try something new and head to the midwest to see what Iowa is all about! Yes there are a lot of farms but people are really nice and it is definitely something different then So.Cal. Obviously I am new to the blogging world and need to fix up my profile ASAP! Well the whole blogging experience is a part of my new years resolution which was to do something that seems fun! I've always wanted to do something like this, but truly I was just lazy and making a blog seemed difficult. I want to change a little something in my life! I also have a new years resolution to find some sort of talent in me! Maybe play an instrument or try something different! I will blog about anything that comes to mind! I am not concentrating on one thing yet since I want to experiment with this blog. I may blog about a trend, life experiences, or simply share my day. I hope to people will enjoy my posts or have something in common with my thoughts! A day ends as the sun sets, a peaceful night, the next day brings a new beginning..... Ya know? Just Chillin! Leave me any of your thoughts and ideas!

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