Thursday, March 14, 2013

Coffee in your life?

How to start a productive day.

Well waking up to a bruise I didn't have before this morning was quite strange, but I guess it makes sense when you go sledding at 2 a.m.  and hit a rock at the end of the hill. I didn't feel much then, but the next day. BAM! I was feeling a bit groggy and angry. Well why? Of course I hadn't taken my cup of coffee in the morning, which resulted in a grumpy me. Well I know I am definitely not the only one out there that has some type of addiction to caffeine. I had read articles on how to get rid of this addiction, because even though I may not notice the effects of caffeine, it really just gives an unexpected hit in the morning. I read about many ways to get rid of the addiction, but they all seem to common. Exercise, more sleep, blah blah blah. Whatever. I bet these are ways to get rid of the addiction, but I mean who can resist that warm creamy taste of freshly brewed coffee. I love my iced coffee in summer days or my hot macchiato during winter. Time for that coffee to start my productive day. Well let me know your thoughts on coffee and how you make your cup of coffee. My coffee is pretty plain and simple, but what about yours?  Rumor has it Coffee is bad for you, but I love it either way! #TEAMCOFFEE